Selected solo exhibitions

2023, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, Studio, Helsinki, FI
2023, Gallery 2, Pirkkala, FI
2023, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere, FI
2023, Gallery Uusikuva, Kotka, FI
2022, Gallery Uusi Kipinä, Lahti, FI

Selected group exhibitions

2023, OTOS/23, Valssaamo, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, FI
2022, Mail Art: B-gallery, Turku, FI
2022, Etäisyyksiä: Vesijärvenkatu 20, Lahti, FI
2021, Chronic Capital: LUJA Gallery, Lahti, FI
2020, Generation 2020: Amos Rex Art Museum, Helsinki, FI
2020, Chapter 1 of Le Book Club: Fotogalleriet Oslo, Oslo, NO
2020, OFF Bratislava photofestival: Bratislava, SVK
2019, Yksi: Vesijärvenkatu 20, Lahti, FI


2024-         Bachelor of Social Sciences,
                   University, of Tampere, Tampere
2018-22      Bachelor of Culture and Arts (Photography)
                   Lahti Institute of Design and Fine Arts, LAB University of Applied Sciences
2021           Gender studies,
                   University of Helsinki (The open university)
2013-16      Marticulation examination,
                   Sibelius High School, Helsinki

Artist associations & collectives

Finnish Association of Photographic Artists
Lahti Association of Photograhic Artists (member of board)
Tyyppinen Collective (Kaisa Syrjänen & Maija Viipuri)
Sivu ry


2023, Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals Taku, course grant
2023, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, project grant
2023, The Finnish Cultural Foundation SKR, working grant
2022, The City of Helsinki, project grant
2022, Kauno ry, project grant
2021,  Arts Promotion Centre Finland, covid-19 grant
2021,  Foundation for the Promotion of Journalistic Culture, project grant
2021,  Kauno ry, project grant
2020, Patricia Seppälä Foundation (shared), project grant
2019,  Svenska Konstsamfundet, project grant


2022, HAM corner, HAM Art Museum & Zodiak - Centre for New Dance, Helsinki
2021 , Villa Salin, The Feminist Association Unioni, Helsinki


2022, Kätkö, UTU Press

Experience in curating & jury work

Utopias Lahti 2023

Selected press

Pirkkalainen 22.5.2023
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 10.2.2022
Myymälä 2 blog text by Alex Koller 2020

Works in collections

Postal Museum Finland
Private collections, Germany

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